Recycling corruption and nepotism by the World Bank and UNDP in Kosova
By: Institute for Economic Policy Research and Analyses (INEPRA)
Who may be totally immune to the rule of law in Kosova? Any king of kings, EULEX, ambassadors of foreign countries, namely that of the US, the European Commission, UNMIK, International Civil Representative? If you think so, you may not be right. There are places where you can address complaints and caseloads against them.
At least some measures will be undertaken. But those who are totally immune to the rule of law in Kosova are local employees with the World Bank, UNDP, USAID and some other international organizations. There is no any body in charge of investigating them and their misconduct is not only immune, but permanent.
If someone is officially declared to be the institution to keep them accountable, it may take it years and decades to investigate something, despite that the world, as Isaac Newton predicted, will end by 2060 at the very latest and 2034 at earliest. The very interesting thing is that the investigators are employed for a short period of time, sometimes less than a year, whilst local employees and their misconduct is permanent.
The US President has at most a total of 8 years in the White House and he can be investigated and impeached very quickly, among others, for some silly allegations (Bill Clinton impeachment), resigned and removed (Richard Nixon), or even assassinated for ideological reasons (John F. Kennedy).
Below we are bringing to you a case of corruption and nepotism with the World Bank and UNDP in Kosova. The case may be small, but the problem is systemic. If that is not properly and decisively combated at the WB Office in Kosovo, many people and organizations would view corruption and frauds in their activities as a normal or most preferred form of work, because, when the phenomenon is present in an institution that declares to, and commits resources in combating it, it may act as an incentive to others like: Well, it is being practiced among those who are more powerful than us, so there is no point for us in trying to become honest.
The World Banks Hotline is a farce. People come in and out frequently (as you can notice from the message below) and no one is charge of anything. Later, we received a message from someone called Sebastian Bauer who only told us No evidence of World Bank Group staff misconduct was found.
When someone investigates the allegations you submit, we hardly believe you may get the answer in one sentence. An honest investigation implies answers by arguments and evidence to all allegations one by one that you have submitted.
Therefore, we want to let the public know that corruption and nepotism by the World Bank and UNDP in Kosova by local employees has got the green light from Washington D.C. And we are providing the names who did what and how the system is operating. In short, these are the names:
- Kelmendi dynasty (Flora at the World Bank office in Pristina, her sister Eleonora at the UNDP, Fikrete at the KFOS);
- Lundrim Aliu, Nejme Kotere, Mirlinda Gorcaj Llaloshi, Ranjit Nayak at the World Bank office, Marta Gazideda et al at UNDP.
While Mr. Nayak, the head of the World Bank office in Pristina promised that he will investigate our case, he in his Out of the Office Reply message of July 03, 2010 tells us that the persons against we were complaining, are acting for him. What investigation can someone carry against those he is leaving to act on his behalf? Thats the toughest question.