15 February 2025

Now it’s Ali Rexha turn

Committee of VETËVENDOSJE!

In the sixth session of the EULEX trial against Albin Kurti, the ex officio defense lawyer assigned by EULEX, Avni Gjakova, gave his resignation. In the previous session, Avni Gjakova submitted a request to the EULEX Judging Panel, asking that the Panel be constituted only of Albanian judges. The Presiding Judge, Ferdinando Buatier de Mongeot, had sent this request to the Presidency of EULEX judges. In the Presidency’s response, it was specified that this is impossible according to the existing law, and it was emphasized that the Panel should consist of a majority of international judges, because Albin’s case is defined as sensitive and complicated. In addition to this, Judge de Mongeot said that they had had difficulty in finding Albanian judges previously. 

After this, Avni Gjakova spoke, indicating that as his request had not been accepted, he could not participate in the trial, which is neither just nor fair. However, Avni Gjakova did not state explicitly that he was giving his final and irrevocable resignation as the defense lawyer of Albin Kurti in this political trial. 

Confronting this new situation, the EULEX Judging Panel withdrew for over one hour to review Avni Gjakova’s disagreement with the EULEX Panel and the answer given by the Presidency of EULEX judges. In addition, Presiding Judge de Mongeot said that session was being adjourned in case the police might arrest Albin Kurti and bring him to the court. After returning for the second part of the session, de Mongeot announced the Panel’s decisions. These decisions were: the assigning of another defense lawyer; a new arrest warrant for Albin Kurti; as well as the adjourning of the session for tomorrow, Friday, 09:30. 

Avni Gjakova did not participate in the second part of the session. The Panel decided not to accept his implicit resignation, but at the same time, assigned as the new defense lawyer, the head of the Kosova Bar Assocation, Musa Dragusha. Not long ago, Musa Dragusha held a press conference in which the Kosova Bar Assocation stated its opposition to the pressure that EULEX was putting on Ramiz Krasniqi, the defense lawyer assigned at that time. Immediately after the conference, EULEX had assigned Musa Dragusha as Albin’s defense lawyer. But Mr. Dragusha had made it clear that he would not accept this role and did not attend the fourth session. After this, EULEX assigned Avni Gjakova, whereas now, after his resignation, Musa Dragusha is returning again! This is the latest absurd decision from EULEX!

Now it’s the turn of Ali Rexha, the trial Prosecutor. Since EULEX took on Albin’s case from UNMIK, three defense lawyers have refused to become EULEX’s instruments. But from the start, Ali Rexha has been very determined to cooperate with EULEX to the very end of this political trial. Lëvizja VETËVENDOSJE! calls on Ali Rexha, not to stand behind EULEX’s political accusations against Albin Kurti. He has the authority and the possibility to throw out these accusations as without basis, as in truth, they are. In addition, we call on the only Albanian member of the judging Panel, Fllanza Kadiu not to cooperate with EULEX, in this shameful and scandalous trial. 

The EULEX trial of Albin Kurti is political and fabricated. Now when the voices of many international officials and senior local politicians are calling for future ‘technical’ negotiations with Serbia, EULEX, which will lead these negotiations, has great interest in eliminating VETËVENDOSJE! and Albin Kurti from these political developments. Because VETËVENDOSJE! will be the most serious political movement which will organize the people to confront the future challenges facing Kosova and to solve the problems created by Kosova’s corrupt politicians.