New EULEX head of mission takes office
Pristina, 15 October - Today Mr. Xavier Bout de Marnhac will take office as Head of Mission of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). He replaces Mr. Yves de Kermabon who served as Head of Mission from February 2008.
On his first day at the helm of the Mission, Mr. de Marnhac will visit the Acting President of Kosovo Jakup Krasniqi and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.
We are moving to the next phase of the work of EULEX. Under its first mandate and under the excellent leadership of Yves de Kermabon, the mission has firmly established itself and is fully exercising its core mandate, de Marnhac said.
Commenting on his priorities as the new Head of EULEX, Mr. de Marnhac stated: My principal concerns will be to re-establish the rule of law in northern Kosovo and to continue the fight against corruption and organised crime. I also look forward to further encourage and support the local rule of law institutions in moving towards European standards under the principle of local ownership.
Mr. de Marnhacs appointment is for one year renewable.