15 February 2025

EC supports coordination of the EU funds in Kosovo

Pristina, 11 October - Today the Government of Kosovo and the European Commission launched the Aid Management Platform (AMP).

The AMP is an online aid information system which gives donors, the government, and the general public a place to find information on donor-funded projects being implemented in Kosovo.

The vision of AMP is to serve as a \"one-stop-shop” for information on donor-funded activities, making it much easier to identify “who is doing what, where, and how” and reducing transaction costs for data gathering, reporting and coordination. It will increase transparency and help the Ministry of European Integration to manage, track and report on aid flows, analyze trends, and improve coordination with and among donors through the implementation of a web-based aid management tool.

The AMP is open to public, enabling online viewing of donor activities, funding information, data dashboards and maps to facilitate easy visualisation on aid flows.

The AMP tracks donor commitments and disbursements to Kosovo, along with project details, starting with 2009 activities. To date, AMP captures 937 million Euros in commitments from over 20 donor agencies, linking activities to OECD/DAC sectors, Medium-Term Expenditure priorities, and the European Partnership Action Plan.

The AMP application is managed by the Ministry for European Integration, with data from donors provided on a quarterly basis. Customised reports are available to all donors and the Ministry will publish annual and quarterly aid reports using the information in this platform. By late 2010, all ministries will be given advanced training on AMP to enable them to view and manage projects, and to better coordinate with other ministries and donors.

The two-year implementation, rollout and institutional strengthening of the AMP are supported by the European Commission and implemented by Development Gateway International.